Good evening all, Dad at the controls here guiding our journey down Memory Lane, At around this time, one year ago today, we were winding down in our hotel after officially welcoming Ryan to our Family. The memories of that…
The Last…
T-Minus 3 Days to Wheels-Up T-Minus 8 Days to Ryan The Last Few Days. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mothers out there. Thanks for following. The atmosphere around the house is picking up steam as the suitcases are…
A Few More Good Days…and Some More Clarity
The good news keeps coming. It’s only been a few days since the post-TA machinery lurched into gear, and we’ve already received definitive confirmation for our Consulate Appointment. Even better, we have confirmed that Ryan will officially be joining Team…
TA Received Today!
Today, despite the winter-like temperatures during the first few days of spring here in SE Pennsylvania, was a good day. We heard from our Agency that we’ve received our TA (Travel Approval), and can now make arrangements for our Consulate…
Happy 6th Birthday!!
Shifting to the Present (after catching up a bit on some background…) A few days ago, Ryan celebrated his 6th birthday! This not being our first rodeo, we reached out to one of our trusted contacts – Adele at Blessed…